TAG : video

Health sector gets $540M
A total of $540 million has been allocated to the Health sector in the 2024/2025 National Budget of which $450 million will go to the Ministry of Heal...
9 hours ago
FijiFirst expected to be deregistered next week
The Registrar of Political Parties is yet to make a statement on the FijiFirst Party after their 4pm deadline passed today to rectify their ...
8 hours ago

Total Govt debt projected to reach $10.9B by July 2025
The total government debt is projected to reach $10.9 billion by July 2025 compared to $10.2 billion dollars at the end of July this year. Based ...
8 hours ago

Increments announced for civil servants, wage earners and MPs, and minimum wage rate to go up to $5 an hour
Pay increments for civil servants and those in the independent institutions, the increase in salaries and benefits of Members of Parliament, the ...
8 hours ago

The narrative behind the budget is satisfying - PM
Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka says this is a good budget because the narrative behind the formulation of the budget is satisfying their ...
8 hours ago

Seruiratu acknowledges Govt on assistance and continuation of funds for the development project
Leader of Opposition, Inia Seruiratu says it’s too early for him to comment on the 2024/2025 National Budget, but he is grateful that there was a ...
8 hours ago