TAG : video

Kiran highlights rising elderly suicides and urges religious communities to address social issues
Nineteen elderly people have committed suicide this year, possibly because we are not caring for them as we should and because many people are migrati...
31 minutes ago
Govt to reopen Ratu Kamisese Mara Technical College
The future generation of Lakeba is set to benefit from the reopening of the Ratu Kamisese Mara Technical College, which had been closed for several ...
23 minutes ago

Vanua of Betoraurau in Sabeto celebrates newly-crowned Hibiscus Queen Melania Tora’s achievement
The village of Sabeto in Nadi was filled with joy and celebration as the people and Vanua of Betoraurau warmly welcomed their newly-crowned Hibiscus ...
25 minutes ago

Nasinu Town Council increases health inspections following Consumer Council warnings on sub-quality meat sales
Following warnings issued by the Consumer Council of Fiji to supermarkets selling sub-quality meat, the Nasinu Town Council says there will be more ...
31 minutes ago

Trump rejects second TV debate saying it is 'too late'
Former US President Donald Trump has said he will not take part in a second TV debate ahead of November's presidential election. As Vice-President ...
4 hours ago

Samoan journalists decry ‘ridiculous’ media restrictions at Commonwealth summit
Restrictions on journalists covering an upcoming summit of Commonwealth nations in Samoa are “ridiculous” and at odds with a government that ...
5 hours ago