Clarke calls on Rabuku to respect the laws and courts of Fiji and resign as Acting DPP
The Fiji Law Society urges the Acting Director of Public Prosecutions, John Rabuku to immediately resign from his position and demonstrate that he res...
1 hour ago
Tax on non-profit organisation’s income from property rentals will impact community services - Apted
As non-profit organisations will now be paying a tax on income derived from property rentals, Fiscal Review Committee Deputy Chair and KPMG Fiji ...
21 minutes ago

Most of the missing persons are being found at their relatives’ homes – ACP Raikaci
With the increasing concerns regarding people reported missing, the Acting Commissioner of Police Sakeo Raikaci says when they conducted their ...
45 minutes ago

Thousands to benefit from $35M Elevated Princes Road Water Infrastructure Project
Thousands of people living in elevated areas along Princes Road are expected to benefit from the Water Authority of Fiji Elevated Princes Road Water ...
48 minutes ago

Man's body found floating in Cuvu River
The body of a man was found floating in Cuvu River in Sigatoka at about midday today. According to the Police, they have identified the body and ...
2 hours ago

CMF College opens vocational centre to empower Nasinu Youth
Good news for the youths residing in Nasinu as a new vocational centre has been commissioned at the CMF College in Newtown to elevate the lives of ...
3 hours ago