Crushing season for the Lautoka Sugar Mill has began - FSC

Crushing season for the Lautoka Sugar Mill has began - FSC

By Faria Begum
Wednesday 04/07/2018

Crushing season for the Lautoka Sugar Mill has began and the Fiji Sugar Corporation has confirmed that 35,000 tonnes of cane has been crushed so far in the Labasa Sugar Mill, making about 3000 tonnes of sugar.

The Fiji Sugar Cooperation Chief Operating Officer Navin Chandra says FSC is still facing some supply issues and are still working with growers to ensure that they get increased number of cane.

Meanwhile he has also welcomed the $85 per tonne price of cane that was announced in the 2018-2019 National Budget.

He says in the last five years they have been paying close to $82 per tonne to the farmers so the $85 is one of the highest paid average that the growers will get for the next three years.

Chandra adds that by this growers have been encouraged to plant more and more cane and in this way there is quite a stability in the industry going forward.

The Sugar Industry was also allocated $500,000 for the purchase of a Tractor Mounted Harvester from Brazil that would help in the  harvesting of cane.

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