The Fiji Airways Fiji 7s team for the McDonald’s Fiji Coral Coast 7s will be picked today.
Coach Osea Kolinisau revealed this in an interview with fijivillage News saying that they are where they want to be right now.
Kolinisau says they are looking forward to the games this weekend as everything is going to plan.
8 players from the Fiji 7s extended squad will be playing for former United States 7s coach Mike Friday’s Select 7s side.
The players selected to line up beside Jerry Tuwai, Rosko Specman, Harry McNulty, Luke Treharne, Alexandre Odinga and Matai Leuta are Viliame Naikausa, Rubeni Kabu, Suliano Volivoli, Jope Tikomailepanoni, Iliavi Masori, Sakiusa Siqila, Rauto Vakadranu, and Alipate Biu.
The Fiji 7s team are pooled with New Zealand 2, Tuva Rugby, and Brothers at the Coral Coast 7s which kicks off Thursday.
Kolinisau says no one has cemented their spot for the Perth 7s next week.
The 7s Coach will pick his team for Perth after the games this weekend, before they leave for Australia next Monday.
Stay tuned for the latest news on our radio stations