Nadroga’s wish to meet Suva in the Skipper Cup final was granted last week after they beat Naitasiri 21-15 in the semifinal.
Nadroga are expected to boast a number of former and current national players including Joeli Lutumailagi, Eremasi Radrodro, Alifeveti Veitokani, Jonetani Ralulu, Sekonaia Kalou, Mitieli Nacagilevu and Sakiusa Gavidi.
Meanwhile last week Suva had a total of ten national reps with the likes of Serupepeli Vularika, Osea Naganilau, Emosi Mulevoro, Jale Sassen, Josefa Levula, Kelepi Naimasi, Ratu Seru Cakobau, Vesi Rarawa, Alipate Mateivelia and Joji Ragamate.
The Skipper Cup final is scheduled to be held at the ANZ Stadium this Saturday with the time yet to be confirmed.
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