2019 Rugby World Cup draws out

2019 Rugby World Cup draws out

By Rusiate Baleilevuka
Thursday 11/05/2017
(Photo: telegraph.co.uk)

The 2019 Rugby World Cup draws are out.

Should the Flying Fijians win both of their matches in the Rugby World Cup qualifying round this year, they will finish as "Oceania 1" and get placed in Pool D alongside Australia, Wales, Georgia and possibly USA.

If they lose to Tonga and Samoa in the qualifier but somehow manage to finish second, they will get a place in Pool C with England, France, Argentina and Americas 1 which could be Canada.

Looking at Pool B, World Champion the All Blacks is pooled with South Africa, Italy, Africa 1 and the winner of Repechage.

Pool A have Ireland, Scotland, Japan, Europe 1 and play-off winner.

Pool C have England, France, Argentina, America 1 and Oceania 2.

The 2019 Rugby World Cup will be held in Japan.

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