Miss Home and Living Anne Dunn crowned Miss Hibiscus

Miss Home and Living Anne Dunn crowned Miss Hibiscus

By Nitesh Raniga, Dhanjay Deo and Semi Turaga
Sunday 21/08/2016
Miss Hibiscus 2016 Miss Home and Living Anne Dunn

Miss Home and Living Anne Dunn was crowned Vodafone Miss Hibiscus 2016.

Dunn who is a law graduate is originally from Togoru, Namosi and has maternal links to Nabau, Nadroga.

24-year-old Dunn also attended Nasinu Gospel Primary School before she settled in the USA.

She returned to Fiji in 2011.

Her mother who is currently in Sacramento was also watching the crowning last night through live stream.

Meanwhile, Miss Fiji National University, Raijeli Vueti has been crowned Miss Charity.

Vueti raised $41,216. 

The total amount raised through charity stands at $152,199.

The Vodafone Fiji Hibiscus Organising Committee is expected to announce later how funds will be utilised.

1st Runner-up: Miss Connect Adi Veti Vukalokalo

2nd Runner-up: Miss Apco: Sheenal Swastika

3rd runner-up: Miss Lunch Box: Unise Radinitoga

4th runner-up: Miss Foneology Sotiana Mele



Mr King: Mr Apco Christopher Prasad (also won Kings Best Talent)

1st Runner up: Mr Fatburger – Sakiasi Labakewa

2nd Runner up – Mr Rentokil Initial – Viliame Vunakoro


Teen Queen: Miss Apco Mariaiosefo Lesinaivalu

Hibiscus Princess: Princess Spring Street Precious Smith

Hibiscus Prince: Prince Gordon Street Rahil Vimal Krishna

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