Youths reminded to stay away from drugs this Dussehra

Youths reminded to stay away from drugs this Dussehra

By Rashika Kumar , Aaryan Pal
Tuesday 24/10/2023
[Image: Maha Arti]

As high usage of drugs has become a major issue in Fiji, youths during the Hindu festival of Dussehra are being reminded to think 10 times before making any major decision in life.

According to the holy book Ramayan, Lord Rama killed Ravan a day after the 9-day festival of Navaratri which is Dussehra.

The festival of Dussehra is also known as Durga Pooja as people worship the Goddess Durga all the nine days and celebrate Dussehra.

Shree Sanatan Dharm Pratinidhi Sabha of Fiji National Secretary, Krishneel Tiwari says the demon-king Ravan made decisions in haste and met his end at the hands of Lord Rama.

He says this has taught us not to be easily manipulated and swayed into making decisions that will harm us and has advised youths to stay away from drugs as many youths have ended up at the Saint Giles Hospital.

Tiwari further says Dussehra also teaches us that women are capable of anything they want to do just like Goddess Durga who annihilated the demon-king Mahisasur who was too arrogant to believe that a woman could destroy him.

Tiwari adds whether any evil forces push you, truth and righteousness always win.

Dussehra is also considered a day for starting new businesses or making new investments.

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