You have the power to change the future of Fiji - Rabuka
Rabuka says the Govt is ruling by fear

You have the power to change the future of Fiji - Rabuka

Rabuka says the Govt is ruling by fear

By Krishneel Nair
Saturday 22/10/2022
Peoples Alliance Leader, Sitiveni Rabuka

You have the potential, you have the ability and you have the power to change the future of Fiji by the way you vote and who you vote for in the next general elections.

This was stated by the Leader of Peoples Alliance, Sitiveni Rabuka, while speaking at their first party rally in Nasinu.

Rabuka says the current government is ruling by fear.

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He says when voted out, the Attorney General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum will leave behind a tarnished legacy, a very poor record and a suffering nation.

Rabuka says the current debt to GDP ratio is something he doesn’t want to speak more on, but the debt will continue to be paid by the Fijians, their children and grandchildren through taxes in years to come.

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He adds according to the government, distributing goodies is an official duty and therefore it is alright.

Rabuka says Sayed-Khaiyum has gathered to himself, more power than any Minister or Prime Minister Fiji has ever had.

He adds Sayed-Khaiyum was seen in a press conference a few days ago, trying to intimidate the media and journalists, where most of the things said were off point.

The People's Alliance Leader says Sayed-Khaiyum increasingly has problems observing freedom of speech or allowing others to have their freedom of speech and the democratic duty of keeping Fijians informed of what is going on in government.

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Rabuka also says hopefully the announcement of the next general elections will be in the next few days and the party is ready.

He further says the People's Alliance are ready to make history.

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