You are now the representatives of all Fijians – Ratu Epeli

You are now the representatives of all Fijians – Ratu Epeli

By Alipate Narawa
Tuesday 20/12/2022
Speaker, Ratu Epeli Nailatikau (white shirt) addressing newly-elected MPs at the induction program earlier today [Image: Parliament of Fiji]

It is pleasing to acknowledge many new and young Fijians who have committed themselves to serving in parliament, and this 1 day induction workshop is very important for all elected members, as a preparatory requirement before parliament sits for the first time.

Speaker of the House, Ratu Epeli Nailatikau highlighted this as he welcomed them to the 1 day Parliament induction and told them they are now the representatives of all Fijians, irrespective of which party they belong to.

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He says the primary aim of the induction is to prepare them for the swearing in ceremony and other initial processes that they need to undertake before parliament starts its work in earnest.

The Speaker says he is certain that the whole country is looking forward to their continuing service in parliament.

He says it pleases him to convey a very special welcome to all elected members who will be entering parliament for the first time.

The Speaker says another week long and more intensive induction program is scheduled for January and the Secretariat team will mainly focus on the processes and procedures to be undertaken soon.

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