The World Bank welcomes the announcement of a new holiday working visa being opened to Fiji by the Australian Government.
World Bank Labour Migration Specialist Jese Doyle said the push for Fiji to be included also came from within Australia.
He said opening up of such work opportunities for Pacific people have a large and statistically significant positive impact on household income per capita.
He said this has been proven by a research carried out by the World Bank on the Australian seasonal worker scheme.
He said at the moment employment is only offered in the sectors of agriculture and horticulture however Australia is looking to expand the scheme to include tourism.
He said this will also place a higher cap on the total number of participants.
Jesse Doyle was also one of the World Bank moderators who launched a report yesterday titled Well-being from work in the Pacific Island Countries.
Meanwhile the Australian government has approved a new initiative of working holiday visa for Fijians.
The announcement was made when the Australian Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator Brett Mason visited Fiji last month.
It is a reciprocal arrangement unlike the seasonal workers scheme that would allow Fijians to work in Australia for 3 months while on holiday or vice versa.
Story by: Gwen Mc Goon