Whitelock to have one last dance this weekend

Whitelock to have one last dance this weekend

By Alipate Narawa
Thursday 22/06/2023
Crusaders lock Sam Whitelock will start Saturday night’s Super Rugby final against the Chiefs in Hamilton. [Image: Stuff.co]

Sam Whitelock will be having one last dance in the Crusaders colours this Saturday before he joins his brother Luke in Pau after the World Cup as Scott Robertson has named him to start.

This weekend will also see a few others who will be leaving the side with Richie Mo'unga going to Japan while Jack Goodhue and Leicester Fainga'anuku head off to France.

The front row remains the same with Oliver Jager, Codie Taylor and Tamaiti Williams in the front row.

Scott Barrett captain's the side and pairs up with Whitelock while Sione Talitui and Tom Christie are the flankers with Christian Lio-Willie at number 8.

Mitchell Drummond starts at halfback with Mo'unga at fly-half.

Fainga'anuku is on the left wing, Dallas Mcleod on the right with Jack Goodhue at inside centre, Braydon Ennor on the outside and Will Jordan at fullback.

Coming off the bench are George Bell, Kershawl Sykes-Martin, Reubens O'Neill, Quinten Strange, Dominic Gardener, Willi Heinz, Fergus Burke, and Chay Fihaki.

The Crusaders play the Chiefs at 7.05pm Saturday at the FMG Stadium, Waikato.

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