We are looking at anywhere between $6 to $7/hr for minimum wage – Felix Anthony
FTUC calls on Govt to review national minimum wage

We are looking at anywhere between $6 to $7/hr for minimum wage – Felix Anthony

FTUC calls on Govt to review national minimum wage

By Navitalai Naivalurua
Saturday 23/09/2023
FTUC National Secretary Felix Anthony

The Fiji Trades Union Congress is calling on the Government to review the national minimum wage rate as it is currently below the poverty line, and they are hoping that it will be increased to $6 or $7 an hour.

FTUC National Secretary Felix Anthony says we need to ensure that workers can earn, live a respectable life and be able to meet their commitments here in Fiji.

He says we need to move away from the mindset of keeping wages low, particularly the minimum wage.

Anthony says what drives our people away is that the wage level in this country is too low, and in fact it is below the poverty line.

He adds people will always want a better standard of living, and they find that this is possible by moving to other countries.

The FTUC National Secretary says they understand that these things don’t happen overnight and employers would be given time to adjust to such as minimum wage.

He hopes that they can work something out with both the employers and the government in this regard.

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