We Fijians will be tested in next year’s elections.
These were the words of the President Jioji Konrote while opening the new Parliament Session this morning.
President Konrote said that this will be his last time to address Parliament in this term of parliament.
He says Parliamentarians will be and should be challenged to contest in elections on the basis of policies, principles and truth.
He says elections will be held sometime between April and November next year.
Konrote says this will be the country’s second elections under the constitution and will be the first time the government elected under the constitution will go to the people to defend its record and the Opposition parties will try and convince the people that they can do better.
The President says although it might be tempting on the eve of the elections, they will be tested not to descend to ethnic profiling, race baiting and lies.
Konrote says elections must be contested over policies not ethnicity, religion or geography.
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