Seven queen contestants are looking forward to the 2022 Vodafone Tebara Carnival after it was officially launched at the Nausori Market Vendors Accommodation Centre last night.
Chairman of the Tebara Carnival Committee Uma Kant Patel says the contestants will focus on the carnival’s theme which is Clean, Beautiful and Resilient Community.
He says this is a good time for families to come out in numbers and enjoy their time together.
Vodafone Fiji Chief Marketing Officer Rajnesh Prasad says the festival serves as a means for the committee to raise funds for the township and an avenue for SMEs to generate income.
He says it is also a platform for our youth to showcase their talents through performances, creative costumes and music.
He says the carnivals are a fantastic avenue for assisting developmental programs for our young people and a platform for forming the next generation of community ambassadors.
Meanwhile, the seven queen contestants are Shereen Shivangi Lata who is sponsored by Pehnawa Women’s Clothing, Sereana Marama Cirieburotukula sponsored by Life Pharmacy, Kessa Yale Saulala who is sponsored by Tebara Plaza, Tokasa Kunadua sponsored by Tara’s Supermarket, Nancy Nitesha Sharma sponsored by Stop N Shop Supermarket, Raina Nandani sponsored by Nausori Town Council and Eta Tale Maisolomone Phillia Apa sponsored by PAK N Save Supermarket.
The Vodafone Tebara Carnival starts on the 8th of October.
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