The vanua of Vuda wants the Great Council of Chiefs and the three confederacies abolished.
While making their submission to the Constitution Commission in Viseisei, Ratu Tevita Momedonu said these matters have to be addressed in the new constitution.
Commissioner, Penelope Moore said the submission is very forward looking.
The submission from Vuda also include that the position of Prime Minister should be abolished and the responsibilities should be with the President and Vice President. The call is for the people to elect the country’s President and Vice President and to have a 26 member legislative assembly.
They also want the Itaukei Land Trust Board to come under the Ministry of Lands and the Land Bank to be discontinued.
Moore also said there have been many submissions on land and the FNPF.
The commissioners are taking submissions in Nacula, Yasawa today.
Story by: Vijay Narayan