UniFiji and local govts launch nationwide ‘Recreational Reading in the Park’ campaign

UniFiji and local govts launch nationwide ‘Recreational Reading in the Park’ campaign

By Rashika Kumar
Friday 17/01/2025
UniFiji Vice Chancellor Professor Shaista Shameem

In a bold move to encourage Fijians to take up reading for enjoyment, the University of Fiji and local governments are collaborating on a nation-wide campaign in town and city council parks throughout Fiji.

Called ‘UniFiji and Local Government Recreational Reading in the Park Campaign’, the initiative will be launched officially next Friday to commemorate the annual United Nation’s World Education Day and the campaign begins from Saturday.

UniFiji says town and city councils with available municipal park spaces have expressed support for the national reading for enjoyment campaign and have set aside spaces in these parks for members of the public who love reading to bring their books and read in the company of others, and at the same time, enjoy the outdoors.

They say in case it rains, the parks allocated by the town and city councils have covered areas to shelter from any adverse weather.

UniFiji Vice Chancellor Professor Shaista Shameem says the university had sought partnership with local government to make available areas in their parks for quiet reading on Saturday afternoons.

She says members of the public are invited to bring their novels or reading material, mats, easy chairs and beanbags and enjoy reading to their hearts’ content in the company of other book lovers.

Professor Shameem says the university was grateful that municipal councils had expressed wholehearted support for the initiative.

She says that the Council CEOs and Special Administrators are aware of the value of reading for future development of their municipalities and are happy to come on board.

UniFiji says the municipal councils of Suva, Levuka, Nadi, Ba, Lautoka and Labasa had all responded positively to the ‘UniFiji and Local Government Recreational Reading In the Park National Campaign’ and are committed to providing the reading spaces in their parks every Saturday from 2-5pm.

They say it is expected that other councils will similarly support the initiative.

Members of the public can contact Ela Qica, Librarian on elaq@unifiji.ac.fj and Dr Kamala Naiker on kamalan@unifiji.ac.fj for locations of the park spaces in each city or town from Tuesday.

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