Saul 'Canelo' Alvarez beats Caleb Plant in Las Vegas to create boxing history

Saul 'Canelo' Alvarez beats Caleb Plant in Las Vegas to create boxing history

By fijivillage
Sunday 07/11/2021
Canelo Alvarez and Caleb Plant. [Image: sportstime]

Saul 'Canelo' Alvarez has made history in Las Vegas by beating Caleb Plant to become the first undisputed world super-middleweight champion.

The 31-year-old knocked out Plant in the 11th round to unify all four major belts in fewer than 12 months.

Mexican Alvarez added Plant's IBF belt to the WBA Super, WBC and WBO ones he already held.

He knocked the American down twice in the 11th - first with a left hook and then followed it with a right uppercut.

Although Plant got up, the punches had taken their toll and Alvarez went on the attack again to finish the fight with one minute and five seconds of the round remaining.

Alvarez said Plant wanted to keep going but he told him he should stop.


Alvarez going for broke. Clean left hand lands. Another flurry drops Plant and the fight is stopped without a count by Russell Mora.

Lead left hook lands for Canelo. He goes hard to the body and down goes Plant!


Short hooks from Alvarez. Plant counters nicely to the body. Good flurry from Canelo inside and Plant looked like that hurt him.

Good defense from Canelo. He gets inside without taking big shots and lands to the body.

Alvarez trying to go hard to the body but Plant's defense is sound


Nice countering from Plant again. He goes to the body twice.


The action slows here and Alvarez is taking his foot off the gas a bit. Nice counter shots by Plant late.

Nice lead jabs from Plant. Alvarez corners him with body shots but Plant spins out of trouble.

Alvarez much more aggressive with lead hooks. He's not hitting clean but each one is rocking Plant's body and arms.

Both fighters accidentally clashed heads that round but seem OK.


Both fighters accidentally clashed heads that round but seem OK.

Canelo now just standing at ropes to dare Plant to let his hands go.

Good series of jabs from Plant as Alvarez backed to the ropes to reset. This is his opening. He jabs to the body once more.

Nice counter jabs from Alvarez. Perfect counter right hand from Plant. He needed that.

Canelo doesn't respect Plant's power at all. That could become a big problem considering Alvarez's corner just implored him to pick it up and walk Plant down more.


Alvarez constantly backing Plant up. Even when he's not scoring, it gives a strong mental image to judges. Canelo has his hands down as he walks Plant to the ropes. Another Canelo round, 10-9.

Clean left hook from Canelo in close. That was a big one. Alvarez is busier and much more accurate.

Good jab by Plant gets countered clean with a Canelo right hand. Alvarez corners him again and grazes Plant with another right.

Alvarez showing such great defense to get inside. Good left hook from Canelo in close.

Plant is doing well to stay alive here. He's trying hard. He's just not landing much of significance or anything clean besides a few jabs.


For every clean jab Plant lands, Alvarez hits a hard body shot. Again, that's a trade Canelo will accept.

Big hooks to the body from Canelo. He is going so hard downstairs and that will inevitably slow Plant down and keep him still.

Mora calls time and warns Alvarez for going low and warns Plant for holding his head.

Alvarez backs him up and bangs a pair of power shots downstairs. Good counter left hook to the body from Alvarez. Plant is game but he just can't get off clean with his power shots. Good movement from Plant to avoid shots against the ropes.


Close round here as Plant has turned up a notch defensively. Plant is busy with the jab but not accurate. Big left hook from Canelo after he pinned Plant to the ropes.

Better round from Plant here as the action slows. Lead left hook lands partial from Alvarez. Nice body shot from Canelo.

Plant jabs out of trouble but Canelo has no lapse in his defense and he's swallowing up all of Plant's power shots.

Good defense from Plant to cover up as Canelo unloaded along the ropes. The crowd loved it but very few of those landed clean.

Nice power jab from Plant. Canelo slows things down and jabs clean. Lots of feinting from both.


Canelo corners him again and hooks to the body. Plant not doing well to use his reach and length. Alvarez dips in for a left hook and hits it. Nice body shot from Canelo.

Plant mixes in defensive jabs but Canelo's forward progress is ongoing. Stiff jab from Alvarez. Huge left hooks from Canelo after eating a jab. He will make that trade all night.

Plant needs to change this momentum as Canelo has already figured how to chop away at him in close. Alvarez walks him to the ropes and lands to the body. Left hook to the chest from Alvarez.

Early jabs from Plant. Canelo's defense starts to swallow them up from there. Alvarez so patient. He's standing right in front of Plant behind his high guard and isn't being made to back up one bit.


Canelo's clean power shots win out again. 10-9.

Defensive jabs from Plant land. Canelo walks him down and clubs him with two short rights.

They trade body shots once more but it's Alvarez who is pushing the action forward. Short left hand from Plant. Canelo walks through it and lands a left uppercut partially.

Canelo starting to establish his jab, too. Nice body shot and a left hook to the head of Plant.

Alvarez is cutting off the ring at will. Left hook to the body and another upstairs. Plant lands a right uppercut. They trade hooks with Plant's back on the ropes.

Alvarez is having no trouble closing distance. Short left hook from Plant. They trade jabs and Alvarez hits a corkscrew right hand in close.

Leaping left hook from Alvarez lands partial. He comes right back with an uppercut from the clinch before Mora came over to separate them.

Clean jabs from Plant. And more of them. Good start but he can't keep Canelo from walking him down and setting up inside.


Left hook to the body from Alvarez. Watch that closely. Good finish from Canelo with a short right hand. Close round but Alvarez edges it with power shots, 10-9.

Alvarez has had low output here but he has landed the two biggest punches of the round.

Clean counter right hand for Canelo hits. Alvarez cuts off the ring beautifully and lands a left hook. Plant comes back with quick jabs and sidesteps trouble.

Good head movement from Plant to avoid the counter jabs. Plant gets cornered but forces a clinch to get out of trouble.

Good jab by Plant to split the guard. He comes back to the body of Alvarez. Canelo is so patient and not disturbed at all. Another clean jab from Plant.The taller Plant begins with the jab. Good defense from Canelo to avoid getting hit clean. Alvarez is definitely taking his time and reading Plant's speed.


Referee Russell Mora gives the final instructions. They touch gloves. Here we go

The ring announcements begin with Hall-of-Famer Jimmy Lennon Jr.

Plant has advantages of 5.5 inches in height and 3.5 inches in reach entering this one.

Alvarez is all smiles as he circles the ring and points to his fans.

Alvarez dressed in gold with white gloves. He shadowboxes for the cameras to pop the crowd as he exits the tunnel. Trainer and manager Eddy Reynoso is right behind him.

Huge cheers for the announcement that Canelo Alvarez is beginning his ring walk.

Plant walks out dressed in all white with a black trucker hat. His facial expression is all business. Trainers Justin Gamber and Richie Plant follow him, along with cut man Don House.

Caleb Plant walks to the ring first. A chorus of boos from the pro-Canelo crowd breaks out.

Russell Mora is the referee for the main event. The judges are Patricia Morse Jarman, Steve Weisfeld and Dave Moretti.

It's time for the main event.Canelo Alvarez brings his trio of 168-pound titles into this historic fight against IBF champion Caleb Plant to crown the first undisputed champion in the division's history.

Fight program underway

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