Tikoduadua asks Raj on how people in parliament can be better protected

Tikoduadua asks Raj on how people in parliament can be better protected

By Naveel Krishant
Tuesday 10/03/2020

National Federation Party parliamentarian, Pio Tikoduadua says some of the most hideous violence and crime have been committed in the parliament of Fiji, primarily on the current premises.

Tikoduadua made these comments while questioning the Director of Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Commission, Ashwin Raj who was making submissions before the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence.

The submission was in regards to International Labour Organization Convention 190 on the Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the World of Work and the Optional Protocol of 2002 to Occupational Safety and Health Convention.

As he came back into the parliamentary committee meeting after serving a 6 months suspension from parliament, Tikoduadua said since 1987, 2000 and 2006 the human rights of members of parliament have been seriously eroded.

He adds there have been recent cases that have been subject to a lot of debate.

Tikoduadua also questioned Raj how his office can work with parliament better to protect the rights of the people in the house who will ratify these treaties.

While responding to Tikoduadua, Raj says everyone has the right to work in an environment that is free from violence and harassment.

Raj says there is a need for a robust discussion about what is violence and what is harassment.

He says violence is just not physical - it is emotional, its epistemological, harassment is just not sexual it pertains to discrimination on all other prohibited grounds of discrimination and there is a need for national conversation around that.

Raj further says what his office needs to do is to have that conversation with parliament and members of parliament to talk about the fact that these principles equally applies to everyone.

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