TC Mal likely to intensify to Cat 3 as it approaches Fiji
Brace for hurricane force winds – Fiji Met

TC Mal likely to intensify to Cat 3 as it approaches Fiji

Brace for hurricane force winds – Fiji Met

By Vijay Narayan , Navitalai Naivalurua
Tuesday 14/11/2023
TC Threat Track Map as of 4:29PM Tue 14 November 2023 Photo:Fiji Met

Tropical Cyclone Mal is likely to intensify into a Category 3 system as it approaches the Fiji Group tonight.

Acting Director of the Nadi Weather Office, Bipen Prakash says people should be prepare for destructive category 3 winds.

He says if the system moves closer to the land areas in comparison to the current expected path, hurricane force winds can also be experienced over the land areas.

TC Forecast Track Map as of 4:01PM Photo:Fiji Met

Please note damaging winds and cyclone impacts can begin several hours prior to the cyclone centre passes over or nearby.

Secure your homes and properties and know your evacuation centres.

Move now while it is still daylight if you are living in a vulnerable area.

A storm warning remains in force for Yasawa and Mamanuca Groups, Western and Northern Viti Levu and is now in force for Southern Viti Levu, Vatulele, Kadavu and nearby smaller islands.

A gale warning remains in force for Rotuma, western half of Vanua Levu [Dreketi, Bua to Savusavu], Eastern Viti Levu and Lomaiviti group.

A strong wind warning remains in force for the rest of Fiji.

A heavy rain warning remains in force for the whole of Fiji.

The possible impacts due to heavy rain include localised flooding of susceptible communities, businesses and low lying areas, localised flooding of minor roads, Irish crossings and bridges with some disruption to traffic flow, poor visibility at land and sea with increased risk of motor vehicle accidents due to slippery roads.

The possible impacts due to the expected tropical cyclone include significant damage to houses of very light materials and old Galvanized iron roofs blown off, risk of disruption in communication network and power supply due to damaged power lines, most plants and crops can be damaged, damages and flooding of roads, settlements, properties and infrastructure near streams and river banks.

Controlled movements from 6pm this evening, all non-essential civil servants to continue work from home tomorrow

By Vijay Narayan, Alipate Narawa
Tuesday 14/11/2023
National Disaster Management Office Director, Vasiti Soko

There will be controlled movements from 6pm this evening to 4am tomorrow in vulnerable places in the country as a result of the approaching Tropical Cyclone Mal.

National Disaster Management Office Director, Vasiti Soko says this decision has been made after discussions with the NDMO Emergency Committee and Prime Minister, Sitiveni Rabuka.

All non-essential civil servants are to continue working at home tomorrow.

The Director also clarified that this is not a curfew, and they are focused on getting people loitering to go home.

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A message from fijivillage News - Parents please ensure your children remain at home, and people are urged not to venture out into flooded areas to go to functions.

Please do not go out in boats to visit loved ones as we expect very rough seas tonight into tomorrow.

Stay with us for developments.

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About 300 people in 8 evacuation centres around the country

By Navitalai Naivalurua
Tuesday 14/11/2023

More than 290 people have moved to 8 evacuation centres around the country.

National Disaster Management Office Director Vasiti Soko says they have one evacuation centre in the Central Division, two in the Western Division and four centres are open in the Eastern Division.

Soko says each of these evacuation centres is manned by two police officers, 1 male and 1 female officer who are always on standby to ensure the safety and security of evacuees, especially members of the vulnerable group.

She says in areas where they don’t have police, they have the Turaga ni Koro as their groundkeepers.

The Director says the Turaga ni Koro and their members will be providing security at the evacuation centres and will also update them on the situation at the centres.

Expect waves measuring 4 to 9 metres high in coastal region and open sea - Soko

By Navitalai Naivalurua
Tuesday 14/11/2023

People residing in coastal areas please take precautionary measures as waves measuring 4 metres high are expected to hit our coastal regions, and waves measuring 9 metres high can be expected in the open sea.

NDMO Director Vasiti Soko says TC Mal has the possibility of moving closer to the Western Division and the centre will remain on the western side of Viti Levu.

She says as it moves closer to the Fiji Group, there is a high possibility that it will likely intensify into a Category 3 system as it approaches the system tonight.

Soko says the Fiji Meteorological Services has also confirmed that although it’s a Category 2 cyclone, people should brace for intensified wind speed as strong winds of around 120 km/hr is expected from this afternoon.

She also stresses that people should move to higher ground while it is still daylight.

People of Yasawa start experiencing strong winds and heavy rain

By Karishma Kumari
Tuesday 14/11/2023
Photo: Supplied

Yasawa North Principal Tomasi Lakeba says the people of Yasawa are currently experiencing strong winds and heavy rain as Tropical Cyclone Mal approaches Fiji.

Lakeba says the weather was fine from last night to this morning however it started getting worse from about lunch time.

He says as soon as they heard the cyclone warning yesterday, they started preparing for it.

They have secured all the classrooms.

He says the village community hall is also set up as an evacuation centre and a school is also on standby for evacuation in case of an emergency.

Qauia residents prepare for TC Mal - Moce

By Vijay Narayan, Iliana Biutu
Tuesday 14/11/2023
Image: Fiji Roads Authority

Residents of Qauia settlement have put up shutters and are stocking up on food supply and water before Tropical Cyclone Mal comes closer to Fiji later today.

Qauia resident, Apisalome Moce says everyone is on high alert, and they are ready as the area was also flooded yesterday.

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Moce says this morning, the water level at the Irish Crossing in Qauia had gone down, and people managed to cross over to get supplies.

He adds that since yesterday, every resident in Qauia has worked together to clean the drainage to avoid flooding in the settlement.

Moce says they are already experiencing low water pressure, and are stocking up on emergency water.

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Contingency plans in place if TC Mal intensifies - Malolo Island Resort Manager

By Navitalai Naivalurua
Tuesday 14/11/2023

Malolo Island Resort Manager Sakaraia Vonotabua says contingency plans are in place if Tropical Cyclone Mal intensifies.

Vonotabua says they have been monitoring the situation and also advised their guests on the current path of the cyclone.

He says they understand the cyclone is approaching the country and they are well prepared.

The Resort Manager says all travel is suspended and they will re-open once the authorities have given the green light.

He adds they will closely monitor the situation and listen to the advice from the Fiji Meteorological Office.

Villagers of Silana in Tailevu relocates the elderly and pregnant women at the school before TC Mal

By Iliana Biutu
Tuesday 14/11/2023
Photo: Sanaila Rokotuivuna.

To ensure the safety of the elderly, the pregnant women and the vulnerable in the community, the villagers of Silana in Tailevu have relocated the elderly people to Navunisea Primary School in Tailevu before nightfall.

Silana villager, Sanaila Rokotuivuna says they had already experienced cyclone devastation when Winston hit Fiji in 2016, and this time the villagers have not left things to the last minute.

Rokotuivuna says food and water has been stored by villagers and they also have put up shutters.

He says it was calm and sunny at Silana Village earlier today and villagers continued with their chores but they were getting prepared for Cyclone Mal as well.

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Rotuma currently experiencing heavy rain and strong winds as TC Mal approaches Fiji

By Iliana Biutu
Tuesday 14/11/2023
Photo: Liku Lee Tuapati

Rotuma is currently experiencing heavy rain and strong winds as Tropical Cyclone Mal approaches the Fiji group.

Rotuma High School Principal, Liku Tuapati has told fijivillage News that everyone is indoors and they have put up cyclone shutters.

She says they have also stored food and water to sustain them during the cyclone.

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Tuapati says the Rotuma Island DISMAC team has informed the villagers about the cyclone reaching the Fiji Group today and they have closed off their Post Office.

She says they are also experiencing weak internet connection.

Move now before it gets dark - Police Commander North

By Mohammed Feroz, Navitalai Naivalurua
Tuesday 14/11/2023
Image: Fiji Police Force

Divisional Police Commander North Senior Superintendent of Police Kemueli Baledrokadroka is urging people in the North living in low-lying areas to move now before it gets dark.

SSP Baledrokadroka is also urging parents and guardians to ensure the safety of their families and not let children go out to flooded areas or play in flooded rivers and drains.

No evacuation centres are open in the North for now but they are all on standby if the weather changes.

Speaking to fijivillage News, SSP Baledrokadroka says it’s quiet at the moment, and they are closely monitoring the situation.

He says no serious problems have occurred overnight, but the team in the North is prepared.

Police urge residents in Ba, Tavua and Rakiraki to heed weather advisory

By Mikaele Liga
Tuesday 14/11/2023
Source: Fiji Police Force

If you are living along Ba, Tavua and Rakiraki, please take heed of the current weather updates and act accordingly as Tropical Cyclone Mal has intensified into a category 2 system.

Police media officer Manasa Rabukula says currently, the weather in Ba and Tavua is fine, but it is cloudy in Rakiraki.

He says they have Police patrols in various divisions this morning and are encouraging people to take heed of the advice from the Weather Office.

He adds people should move now to evacuation centres or higher ground if they are residing in flood prone areas.

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Civil servants get pay in advance as cyclone approaches

By Mikaele Liga
Tuesday 14/11/2023

Good news for civil servants as the Ministry of Finance has paid the wages and salaries for all their wages in advance.

The advance payment is to assist them and their families to prepare during this disaster period.

Civil servants can access their pay from this hour, and this includes both the established salary staff and government wage earners.

Please take all precautionary measures, remain vigilant and stay safe.

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Flash flood warning for Qauia and Wailoku, flash flood alerts out for Coral Coast to Navua, Lami, Suva, Nausori, Tailevu, Naitasiri and Ovalau

By Vijay Narayan
Tuesday 14/11/2023
Flood Alert Map as of 9:14AM, 14 Tuesday November 2023 Photo: Fiji Met

A flash flood warning is in force for the low lying areas and crossing in Qauia, Lami and low lying areas in Wailoku including Marata Village.

The Nadi Weather Office says a flash flood alert remains in force for the flash flood prone areas, small streams and low lying areas from the Coral Coast to Navua; Lami/Suva/Nausori, Tailevu areas; Naitasiri Province and Ovalau island.

Expect flooding of roads, Irish crossings and bridges in low lying areas and flood plains.

fijivillage News advises you that we expect heavy rain to intensify later today, and please be prepared for river and sea flooding.

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56 families at 2 evacuation centres

By Karishma Kumari
Tuesday 14/11/2023
Photo: File

56 families are currently taking shelter at 2 evacuation centres in the Western division.

Police Western Command Centre Media Officer Manasa Tabuakula says 44 families are currently at the Navotua Evacuation Centre, while 12 families are at the Votualevu Primary School evacuation centre.

Tabuakula says these families are not affected by floods or winds however, they are taking precautionary measures for their safety.

The media officer also confirms that although the weather is clear and calm in the western division, families are preparing for the cyclone and taking precautionary measures such as moving to higher ground and to their evacuation centres.

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Daoni urges Marata residents to move now to evacuation site before it is too late

By Rashika Kumar
Tuesday 14/11/2023
Photo: Repeka Teahana

Residents of Marata Settlement in Wailoku are bracing for the worst as Tropical Cyclone Mal intensifies to Category 2.

While speaking to fijivillage News in the i-Taukei language, Marata Settlement Headman Sani Daoni says preparation for the upcoming cyclone has all been done and they are bracing for the worst.

He says the heavy rain yesterday caused the settlement to get flooded but they are thankful the water has receded this morning.

Daoni says they have also opened up their community hall for people living in low-lying areas to evacuate if their community gets flooded again.

He says at the moment, the community is covered in mist as they understand that heavy rain is falling in the highlands.

He adds whenever there is heavy rain in the highlands, low-lying areas such as their community will get flooded.

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Year 13 external exam to resume next Tuesday and Year 12 exam to start on November 28th

By Rashika Kumar
Tuesday 14/11/2023
Photo: File

Minister for Education, Aseri Radrodro confirms all internal and external examinations timetabled for this week have been deferred and will resume next week.

The Year 13 external examinations will resume next Tuesday and the Year 12 external examinations will begin on Tuesday, November 28th.

The order of the papers timetabled for both external examinations remains the same.

The revised examination schedule will be communicated to all secondary schools and examination supervisors.

Radrodro says this decision has been made as some students, teachers, and examination supervisors may not be able to access their schools in the aftermath of the cyclone.

He says heads of schools should make sure that all affected students, parents, teachers, supervisors, and transport providers are informed.

Radrodro adds the safety of all students, supervisors, and teachers is paramount.

The Minister says re-opening of schools after tomorrow will depend on the assessment from the NDMO.

He is also urging all parents and guardians to be vigilant and to ensure that children stay indoors, stay away from flooded areas, and are supervised at all times.

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Calm in the west

By Karishma Kumari
Tuesday 14/11/2023

It is calm before the storm in the Western Division according to the residents from Sigatoka to Rakiraki.

The Media Officer from the Western Command Centre says there is no heavy rain and no signs of strong winds at the moment however most of the areas are cloudy.

He says the high tide was at around 7am today but there have been no reports of flooding.

Stay with us for updates.

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Kadavu preparing for the worst

By Marika Rasekaseka, Navitalai Naivalurua
Tuesday 14/11/2023

Senior Assistant Roko Tui Kadavu Filimoni Taka says the Provincial Council is working closely with the village headmen and district representatives to ensure the island is well prepared for Category 2 Tropical Cyclone Mal.

He says they have communicated to all village headmen about the cyclone and to be prepared for the worst.

Taka says they have also requested all fishermen not to go out fishing for the next few days and all fibreglass boats are safely docked offshore.

He adds the villagers are aware of the damages caused by cyclones as they have been badly affected by previous natural disasters.

TC Mal has intensified into a category 2 system this hour and is expected to pass close to the west of the Fiji Group tonight.

TC Mal is located about 420 kilometres West-southwest of Rotuma or 580 kilometres Northwest of Yasawa-i-Rara.

TC Mal has maximum winds of about 95 kilometres per hour, gusting to 130 kilometres per hour and will continue to increase.

The centre of the system is expected to be about 170 kilometres west of Nadi at 3am tomorrow.

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Kings and Queens Highways open to all traffic

By Rashika Kumar
Tuesday 14/11/2023
Photo: File

Kings and Queens Highways are open to all traffic.

The Fiji Roads Authority confirms only Wainadoi Old Queens Road is closed due to flooding.

Stay with us for updates.

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People should not be tricked by current calm situation and must be prepared – Lautoka and Navua residents

By Rashika Kumar
Tuesday 14/11/2023
Photo: File

As Category 2 Tropical Cyclone Mal is expected to pass by the west of Viti Levu later tonight, residents in Lautoka and Navua say people should not be tricked by the current calm situation.

Lawaki, Lautoka resident, Anmol Kumar says despite the calm situation right now, people should not believe that they will not be affected.

Kumar says people need to be prepared and take care of their family.

He says they have put up shutters, cut tree branches close to their home, stored drinking water and prepared their torches and lanterns.

Nakaulevu, Navua resident Kamal Narayan says despite the calm situation, people are prepared.

He says they have put up shutters, stored drinking water and prepared in case of a power outage.

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