The Star Wars franchise has historically centered its plots around young men being the heroes. The newest generation of shows on Disney Plus, however, is adding something to the franchise that’s always been missing: high-action women heroes over the age of 30.
Critics can no longer complain of the “Mary-Sue” stereotype, which is a young female character who appears to lack any flaws that seems unrealistic and bores the audience.
In the past few years, Star Wars has shown us one of the deadliest and most successful assassins of the franchise, an extremely powerful former Jedi, a captain of the Imperial Army who turned Rebel, one of the bravest and most cunning diplomats in the universe, and the courageous leader of an entire culture.
Many female characters of a mature age in the new Star Wars shows have shown audiences exactly how powerful and influential women are, and it’s about time.
The final episodes of the third season of The Mandalorian will drop on April 12 and April 19 on Disney+.
Source: Collider
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