Speaker of Parliament Ratu Epeli Nailatikau stopped NFP MP Lenora Qereqeretabua last night from talking about the Chairmanship of the Public Accounts Committee.
Qereqeretabua was making a contribution on the Report of the Public Accounts Committee on the audits of municipal councils for the year ended 31st December 2014.
She highlighted that the Public Accounts Committee had noted that in two municipal councils there were signs of nepotism and under the table dealings and they referred it to FICAC adding FICAC has not taken any action about it, at least to the best of their knowledge.
Qereqeretabua also claimed to the best of their knowledge the Public Accounts Committee did not follow it up.
She went on to talk about the Chairmanship of Public Accounts Committee after which Committee Chairman Alvick Maharaj raised a Point of Order saying the motion was about the audit of the municipal councils.
Qereqeretabua continued to talk on the issue and Ratu Epeli had to interject.
Qereqeretabua was once again stopped as she went on to talk about the Fiji Revenue and Customs Service and was asked to talk specifically on the motion.
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