Sitiveni Rabuka elected as SODELPA Party Leader

Sitiveni Rabuka elected as SODELPA Party Leader

By Vijay Narayan
Friday 24/06/2016
Sitiveni Rabuka has been chosen as the party leader for SODELPA.

Former Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka is the new party leader for SODELPA.

Party President Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu confirmed in the SODELPA General Assembly at the FTA Hall in Suva that Rabuka was chosen after interviews conducted with all the nominees by a panel chaired by former Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase.

Ratu Naiqama says interviews were done with Rabuka, Viliame Gavoka, Anare Jale and Ratu Kiniviliame Kiliraki.

The management board met for almost 2 hours this morning and a vote was taken after discussions.

Rabuka got majority votes.

Fijivillage has received confirmation that there were differences within SODELPA’s management board as some members including SODELPA’s Parliamentary Leader Ro Teimumu Kepa do not agree to the decision that Rabuka should be the SODELPA Leader.

Rabuka and Ro Teimumu
New SODELPA Leader Sitiveni Rabuka speaking with Ro Teimumu Kepa

This led to further discussions and the start of the SODELPA AGM was delayed by almost two hours.

Speaking to our News Director Vijay Narayan after the announcement, Ratu Naiqama confirmed that there were differences but that they managed to move ahead with Rabuka’s appointment.

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Ratu Naiqama says some people did not agree with Rabuka because of his past.

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Fijivillage also questioned Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu if Ro Teimumu accepted the decision and we also asked him about Rabuka presenting a ‘matanigasau’ to the people present in the meeting.

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Ro Teimumu said after the meeting that she has to support the democratic processes of the party although she may not agree to it personally.

She stresses that the people of Burebasaga will not support a coup leader.

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Ro Teimumu will continue to be the Opposition Leader while Rabuka will now lead SODELPA’s preparations for the 2018 elections.

This change in SODELPA’s constitution was approved by the party’s General Assembly.

SODELPA is expected to call for 2018 elections candidates soon and the announcement of the candidates will be done in April 2017.

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