The Independent Legal Services Commission has suspended the legal practicing certificate of Aman Ravindra Singh until Singh provides a sufficient and satisfactory explanation in writing to the Chief Registrar regarding the complaint filed against Singh by his client Shailesh Kumar and complies with the costs order.
Commissioner, Justice Daniel Goundar says Singh has to pay costs to the Commission in the sum of $3000 and to the Chief Registrar in the sum of $2000.
Justice Goundar says the suspension of the practicing certificate will cease on the date the Chief Registrar confirms to the Commission in writing that Singh has fully complied with section 108 Notice and costs order in this case.
Singh was found guilty of professional misconduct.
Singh failed to respond to a notice of complaint against him that was sent to him by the Chief Registrar.
Justice Goundar says the complaint was made by a client of Singh. The complaint was lodged with the Office of the Chief Registrar on 20th October 2017. Justice Goundar says the nature of that complaint is not relevant. He says it is the failure to respond to the notice of complaint that constitutes a substantial or consistent failure to reach or maintain a reasonable standard of competence and diligence.
Singh also failed to respond to two notices by the Chief Registrar during the stipulated time.
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