Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ to have improved camera capabilities

Samsung Galaxy S9 and S9+ to have improved camera capabilities

By Semi Turaga
Monday 26/02/2018
Galaxy S9 and S9 plus camera [bbc]

New and improved camera capabilities are the main thrust of Samsung's pitch for its latest flagship smartphones, the Galaxy S9 and larger S9+.

The handsets gain a super‑slow‑motion facility designed to make it easy to extend key moments of action. They also gain a type of lens that should improve low‑light photography.

Samsung's sales rose in 2017 but not as fast as those of many Chinese rivals.

Experts suggest the new facilities represent minor upgrades.

The S9 is expected to cost 3000 Fijian dollars.

That may make marketing the S9 a challenge since the phone's design also strongly resembles that of the existing S8. Slightly smaller bezels at the top and bottom and a new position for the fingerprint sensor are the biggest alterations.

The S9+ is only a little more distinct from the S8+. It now features two camera lenses on its rear, providing different fields of view and allowing photo backgrounds to be digitally blurred.

Huawei's latest phones can translate words they are shown while offline thanks to their use of a new chip technology.


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