Rotary Club of Suva Peninsula Sunset donates more than $1,800 to CWM Hospital Board of Visitors

Rotary Club of Suva Peninsula Sunset donates more than $1,800 to CWM Hospital Board of Visitors

By Navitalai Naivalurua
Saturday 02/09/2023
[Photo: Supplied]

The Rotary Club of Suva Peninsula Sunset have donated over $1,870 to the CWM Hospital Board of Visitors to assist in the refurbishment and upgrade work of the Hospital.

Club President Jason Chandra says their Club pledged to make a modest donation earlier in the year when the British High Commissioner to Fiji Doctor Brian Jones had hosted the Board of Visitors to an event at his residence to raise funds for the hospital.

Chandra says they saw this as an opportunity to come together to support the hospital and its facilities as one of the focus areas for Rotary is Maternal and Child Health.

He says earlier in the year, the Club had provided 30 yoga mats to St. Giles Hospital’s mental health and wellness programs which includes yoga sessions, where patients and staff actively participate and experience transformative benefits of yoga.

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