The matter where former Fijian Broadcasting Corporation CEO Riyaz Sayed-Khaiyum and Chief Financial Officer Vimlesh Sagar allegedly initiated five legal proceedings on behalf of FBC without the knowledge and approval of the Board of Directors will be called on the 24th of January.
They were to take their plea today, however, FICAC had to give further disclosures.
Sayed-Khaiyum is charged with one count of abuse of office and one count of general dishonesty causing a loss while Vimlesh Sagar is charged with one count of general dishonesty – causing a loss.
It is alleged that between 1st July 2017 to 31st January 2023 while being employed as the CEO of FBC Sayed-Khaiyum abused his office, did arbitrary acts namely initiated five legal proceedings on behalf of FBC without the knowledge and approval of the Board of Directors which amounted to $138,813.
It is also alleged that between 1st July to 31st January 2023 Riyaz Sayed-Khaiyum dishonestly caused a loss to FBC by pursuing legal cases which were not in interest of the company amounting to $138,813 knowing that the loss would occur or that there was a substantial risk that the loss would occur to FBC.
In a separate case, Sayed-Khaiyum is charged with one count of abuse of office and one count of general dishonesty – causing a loss while Sagar is charged with one count of general dishonesty – causing a loss.
They allegedly circumvented the tender process in FBC’s finance manual in purchasing the CEO’s vehicle, a 3.0L Volkswagen Touareg.
It is also alleged that obtaining the vehicle caused FBC a total loss of $84,470.
The incidents are alleged to have occurred between September 1st and November 11th in 2022.
The trial in this matter will be from the 2nd to the 10th of September, next year.
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