Rheumatic Heart Disease costs the Fijian government about $11,000 per patient per year, which includes costs associated with the disease and treatment, cost to the family, lack of productivity and cost to the economy.
This has been highlighted by Permanent Secretary for Health, Doctor James Fong while speaking during a World Heart Day ceremony where the Grand Pacific Hotel, Ministry of Health Headquarters at Dinem House and Centrecom Building in Suva were lit red.
He says Rheumatic Heart Disease in children is second only to drowning as the most common cause of death in Fiji.
The Permanent Secretary says on average at least one child in every classroom would have RHD.
Dr. Fong says for children, it is really important that parents watch out for any signs or symptoms of heart disease.
He says most of the problems associated with the heart are preventable and likewise, you can prevent yourself from getting complications associated with heart disease.
Dr. Fong says prevention from heart disease includes adopting healthy lifestyles and preventing complications means getting the heart checked every now and then.
He adds make sure that you undergo some form of screening so that while you are still fit and stable, the Health Ministry can get a diagnosis which allows them for a treatment to be provided.
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