Qovu questions motive behind comments made by Qarase

Qovu questions motive behind comments made by Qarase

By Vijay Narayan and Semi Turaga
Wednesday 06/08/2014
Proposed candidate for the PDP Emasi Qovu

Proposed candidate for the People’s Democratic Party, Emasi Qovu who was member of the former Qarase government has questioned the motive behind the comments made by Laisenia Qarase that we cannot have equal citizenry.

In an interview with Fijivillage, Qovu said that Qarase should not be making such comments when he is a Christian.

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Qovu added that the People’s Democratic Party is based on the values of equality and they will always promote equal citizenry.

The leader of the FijiFirst, Voreqe Bainimarama has brushed aside Qarase’s comments in a campaign meeting where Qarase said that we can never have equal citizenry in the country.

Bainimarama said what Qarase and SODELPA are saying is an old story which brought darkness and racial differences in 2000 in the country.

Bainimarama said SODELPA is saying that because some of the Indo-Fijians are non-Christians and their traditional background is different, it means they are different.

Bainimarama stressed that this does not mean that people are not equal.

He also said that this is not stated in the 2013 Constitution.

Bainimarama further said that SODELPA does not like the idea that all Fiji citizens are called Fijians.

The Fiji First Leader said there is no question about who owns itaukei land as it is clearly stated in the constitution.

Bainimarama said all itaukei land is owned by the itaukei and it is also well protected in the 2013 constitution.

He also questions people who are saying that they are Christian on what is their message to the people of Fiji.

Bainimarama said bringing up racial differences and inequality is not a message of loving one another which is one of the main pillars of Christianity.

Laisenia Qarase told people of Tuilovoni in Davuilevu Housing in a SODELPA campaign meeting that we can never be equal no matter how hard the FijiFirst tries to have equal citizenry in Fiji.

Qarase said to about 80 people attending the campaign meeting that he believes that God has given Fiji to the itaukei and not to any other race.

He said the reason why he wants people of other races not to be equal with the itaukei is because of his belief that God has given the land to the forefathers of the itaukei people.

Qarase has also come out and said that he wants Fiji to be a Christian state because Christianity brought civilization to Fiji.

He then said that some may think that this is racist but he is just worried about the future of the iTaukei.

Equal citizenry is guaranteed in the 2013 constitution.

The constitution also states that all citizens of Fiji shall be known as Fijians.

It is also stated that every person has the right to freedom of religion, conscience and belief and every person has the right, either individually or in community with others, in private or in public, to manifest and practice their religion or belief in worship, observance, practice or teaching.

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