Qereqeretabua refuses to comment on 'vulagi' statement

Qereqeretabua refuses to comment on 'vulagi' statement

By Silina Baro
Thursday 04/07/2019
Lenora Qereqeretabua in CFL

National Federation Party MP, Lenora Qereqeretabua says she will not make any comments regarding the statement made about the political parties for the ’vulagi’ or visitors by SODELPA MP, Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu.

She says the stand of the NFP is that their Party Leader, Professor Biman Prasad had made his statement on the ‘vulagi’ comment.

Qereqeretabua says she will not say anything on it.

Professor Biman Prasad had earlier said that currently, two out of three NFP Members of Parliament, Pio Tikoduadua and Lenora Qereqeretabua are iTaukei. He said that NFP condemns in the strongest manner Ratu Naiqama’s reference to NFP as a party of the ‘vulagi’.

Prasad mentioned this after SODELPA MP Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu’s statement while speaking to party members in their AGM in Yaroi, Savusavu, Lalabalavu spoke of the parties of the ‘vulagi’ like the National Federation Party still existing and remaining strong.

Prasad also asks does Ratu Naiqama mean Pio Tikoduadua and Lenora Qereqeretabua are also 'vulagi'.


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