Protocols need to be adhered by people working during nationwide curfew hours

Protocols need to be adhered by people working during nationwide curfew hours

By Iva Danford
Sunday 29/03/2020

People can still go to work during the nationwide curfew which comes into effect tomorrow but will need to adhere to certain protocols and carry Company Photo ID’s.

This clarification came after the Attorney General, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum together with the Minister for Industry and Trade, Premila Kumar met with industries to develop clear protocols to manage movement of staff during the nation-wide curfew period.

It was noted in the meeting that industries and certain service providers who require staff to do shift work or may need staff to address emergency calls during the nationwide curfew can still do so.

All industry players have been advised by the Attorney General that they will need to ensure all staff who are required to work during curfew hours should carry company Photo ID cards, and in the absence of company ID, the staff will need to carry a valid National photo ID, such as Voter ID, Joint ID or Driver’s License.

They are also required to provide a company letter to staff that they are required to work during that specific time and a National Contact Centre telephone contact to verify the claims of the staff. Contracted service providers which includes taxi or bus operators, or port service providers such as tug operators or line port service providers are required to provide a letter from the contracting company stating that they are service providers for the company and are required to work during the curfew period.

Meanwhile, businesses are required to provide to the Ministry of Industry and Trade the list of employees who would work in the curfew period, scanned copies of their company photo ID or the relevant ID that will be used during this period, list of company vehicle registration numbers, private vehicle registration numbers and contracted taxis or buses registration numbers.

As announced by the Prime Minister, in order to minimise non-essential movement of Fijians, in Fiji’s bid to contain COVID-19, there will be a nation-wide curfew in place from tomorrow and this curfew will apply daily from 10pm to 5am.

The Attorney General has assured the private sector that arrangements will be made to ensure there are minimum disruptions to businesses during the curfew period.

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