Prof.Prasad calls for open dialogue and asks for Opposition’s support
Naivalurua and Tuinaceva attend NFP AGM

Prof.Prasad calls for open dialogue and asks for Opposition’s support

Naivalurua and Tuinaceva attend NFP AGM

By Rashika Kumar
Sunday 13/10/2024

It is time for us to talk openly about the traumatic events our nation has faced in past generations, to learn from each other about what these events have meant, and to chart a course for the future.

This has been highlighted by Deputy Prime Minister and National Federation Party Leader, Professor Biman Prasad while speaking during the party’s Annual General Meeting in Sigatoka.

Professor Prasad says until the foundations for peace and unity are strong, we cannot become economically and socially strong and we cannot unlock the full potential of our people and become the successful nation that we all know that Fiji can be.

He says for 20 years we have lived with acrimony, fear and suspicion and many of these emotions go back even longer, back to the days of 1987, 2000 and 2006.

The Deputy Prime Minister says they are unresolved and they have never been discussed but some carry these burdens alone, or talk about them only with close friends and family.

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He is asking all members of NFP to support the truth and reconciliation process and to continue to support the government as they work to make Fiji better.

Professor Prasad has also stressed on never again allowing selfish, power-hungry people to take away our freedom and our human rights.

He says the two-men rule preferred to destroy the FijiFirst Party than lose control of it and they treated it as their personal property.

The NFP Leader says they and their toxic politics are now gone from the political scene and for the first time in 18 years, they have a chance to work in a co-operative way with the Opposition in Parliament.

He says as political leaders, they must work together to confront the major issues that confront us including issues such as our national debt, national health issues, widespread incidence of domestic violence and the increasing scourge of drugs.

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He adds they must be generous if they expect generosity in return and this is the spirit in which the Coalition Government, wishes to govern.

Professor Prasad also acknowledged the Opposition Bloc of 9 leader Ioane Naivalurua and member Naisa Tuinaceva for taking part in the NFP AGM.

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