President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau delivers memorable Fiji Day message

President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau delivers memorable Fiji Day message

By Ana Paula and Rusiate Baleilevuka
Friday 10/10/2014
President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau inspects the military parade at Albert Park. [Photo: Dept of Information]

His Excellency the President Ratu Epeli Nailatikau has sent a memorable message to all Fijians as we celebrate Fiji Day 44 years after our flag was first raised on Independence Day in 1970.

Ratu Epeli said that since 1970, this is the most joyous one as we have opened a new chapter in our national life that offers great promise for every Fijian now and into the future.

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He said this as he has lived through much of the history that came full circle on Tuesday.

He added parliament has now been returned to the chamber in government buildings that used to house the legislative council in colonial times.

He remembers in his youth days that he would sometimes go to hear the parliamentarians speak as they were great men and women who have now passed on into history but who laid the foundation of our nation and to whom we will always be grateful to.

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He added that it is a shameful period in Fiji’s history that must never be repeated but to the great credit as a nation, Fiji persevered with its vision and has finally put this era behind.

The President also said that he had the privilege to witness history coming full circle when the new members of parliament gathered in precisely the same place where the coup happened 27 years ago.

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His Excellency reminded every Fijian that on this Fiji Day, Fijians should celebrate the sacrifices and commitments, along with all our men and women serving the people of other nations.

He added that Fiji has just achieved a great milestone, a credible, free and fair election conducted to the highest international standards and now the task of nation building proceeds in earnest.

The President reiterated that Fiji should have a true sense of pride about the nation no matter what we do or where we are as we should love our country just as we love each other.

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