Police continue to round up all those involved in the brawl that occurred along Mead Road in Nabua on Tuesday afternoon, with eight students being questioned by Police.
A team from the Southern Division visited the school and addressed senior students.
The team also held a discussion with the officials from the Public Rental Board.
Commissioner of Police Rusiate Tudravu had stressed to parents and guardians to talk to their children about the consequences of their actions before the police step in, and it's too late.
He also issued a warning to parents that young age will not be a factor in softening their approach because it will not happen under his watch.
Tudravu says based on initial information gathered, the brawl was a spillover from a fight between two students on Sunday.
He calls on community members to step in, and correct youths and children when they need to be corrected and not wait for things to get worse.
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