Police Western Division Headquarters on lockdown after staff member shows COVID-19 symptoms

Police Western Division Headquarters on lockdown after staff member shows COVID-19 symptoms

By Semi Turaga
Thursday 26/03/2020

The Police Western Division Headquarters is on a lockdown after a senior female police officer who returned from overseas has shown symptoms for COVID-19.

The woman had undergone the mandatory 14 day isolation period and was given the clearance to resume work.

She later displayed symptoms of COVID-19 and has been isolated in a different location.

Police Commissioner Sitiveni Qiliho says they were directed by medical authorities in Lautoka and are adhering like any other responsible Fijian until cleared to isolate their Police officers and civilian staff based at the Western Division Headquarters.

Qiliho has assured that they continue to operate the functions of the Western Division Headquarters from within the confines of the building.

Among those in the lockdown is the Divisional Police Commander West SSP Surend Sami.

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