Plan for COVID-19 is to act definitively and swiftly, contain and then isolate as quickly as possible - Dr. Waqainabete

Plan for COVID-19 is to act definitively and swiftly, contain and then isolate as quickly as possible - Dr. Waqainabete

By Vijay Narayan , Naveel Krishant
Wednesday 11/03/2020

The Health Ministry’s plan to deal with COVID-19 is to take all preventative measures, act definitively and swiftly, contain and then isolate as quickly as possible.

Following the historic announcement today that Fiji can now test for COVID-19 at the Fiji Centre for Disease Control in Tamavua, Health Minister, Doctor Ifereimi Waqainabete has told Fijivillage that people that have clear symptoms of COVID-19 will be tested and the result will be available in 6 hours.

He says this is a big step forward as the tests were previously being sent to Melbourne and one result was costing $4,000.

Doctor Waqainabete says the Fiji Centre for Disease Control aspires for excellence, and there has been a lot of investment from the government. He also says that they have a high caliber of staff and lab scientists based at the centre.

Patients who go with flu-like symptoms, cough and respiratory problems are already being isolated to a separate outpatient room at all public hospitals.

Doctor Waqainabete says they have a clear process to determine if the person needs to be tested, and they then decide to contain and isolate the person.

The Health Minister also confirms that all immediate contacts of the person will also be monitored and self-isolation at their homes will also be an option.

He stresses that containment and isolation is absolutely necessary. Banning mass gatherings is also part of the option if the number of cases become an issue.

Although there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Fiji, Doctor Waqainabete is calling on people to start taking the necessary precautions.

He says personal hygiene is very important as you have to keep washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and avoid touching your face especially your mouth, nose and eyes.

Doctor Waqainabete says as the symptoms of coronavirus are very similar to many other respiratory illnesses, it is expected that with time the Ministry will investigate more persons with relevant travel history and symptoms related to coronavirus.

He stresses that although there are no confirmed cases in Fiji, people should also start taking precautions and stop shaking hands with people.

When asked on a lot of people having grog sessions in the country, people mixing the grog and sharing one bilo, Doctor Waqainabete says people should take the precautionary measures and be smart about things.

How can you prevent yourself from getting coronavirus and other diseases?

•Frequently clean hands soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub

•Avoid touching your face – especially your mouth, nose, and eyes

•When coughing and sneezing cover mouth and nose with flexed elbow or tissue – throw tissue away immediately and wash hands

•Avoid close contact with anyone who has fever and cough – stay at least 1 metre away

•Avoid travel to mainland China, Iran, Italy, and South Korea

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