Pacific Recycling Foundation condemns Police repression of Argentine Waste Pickers' peaceful protest

Pacific Recycling Foundation condemns Police repression of Argentine Waste Pickers' peaceful protest

By Marika Rasekaseka
Sunday 23/06/2024
Source : PRF

The Pacific Recycling Foundation has strongly condemned and stands in strong solidarity with the International Alliance of Waste Pickers regarding the police repression inflicted on the Argentine Federation of Cartoneros, Carreros, and Recyclers during their peaceful mobilisation, earlier this month, in Argentina.

PRF Founder Amitesh Deo expressed his deep shock and concern over this recent incident and said that the sole purpose of that peaceful march was to request an urgent response regarding the situation of the importation of recyclable material, which directly affects the recycling sector in Argentina.

Deo says the recycling community in Argentina was simply exercising their right to peaceful protest, advocating for urgent measures to address the critical issues affecting their livelihoods.

Instead of engaging in constructive dialogue, the authorities chose to respond with violence and repression, reflecting a disturbing disregard for the rights and welfare of hardworking individuals who struggle every day for their livelihood in adverse conditions.

He says what is more shocking and saddening is that the incident happened just weeks after the commemoration of International Workers Day in Argentina, which the PRF team was a part of with representatives from over 50 grassroots recycling organisations.

He adds that the PRF firmly demands that the Argentine Government take immediate and positive measures to address the grievances of the Argentine Federation of Cartoneros, Carreros, and Recyclers.

Repression and violence cannot and should not be the response to the legitimate demands of workers seeking justice and dignity in their work.

Deo is also urging the Argentine authorities to respect the rights of individuals and groups engaged in recycling, engage in meaningful dialogue, and implement concrete solutions that will protect their livelihoods and rights.

He also emphasises the importance of building societies where such acts of repression are not tolerated and fundamental rights to peaceful protest and expression must be safeguarded universally, without fear of violence or suppression.”

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