The Minister for Industry, Trade and Tourism Premila Kumar says the Prime Minister, Voreqe Bainimarama and NFP President Pio Tikoduadua were colleagues and when Tikoduadua personally attacked Bainimarama we expect the Prime Minister to be hurt as it is a natural thing.
While speaking during the debate on the matter of privilege, Kumar says this is natural reaction because when you know and have worked with someone, and they try to pick on the family this is bound to happen.
Kumar says the manner and tone in which Tikoduadua attacked the Prime Minister was not something a party president should do.
Kumar says it should be noted that throughout these events, only one concerned party has made genuine moves to reconcile and apologise, and that is the Prime Minister.
She says within a few hours after the incident occurred, the Prime Minister apologised to the Speaker, and also made attempts to apologise to Tikoduadua.
Kumar says this shows that he is a true leader.
The Minister says there is a breach by both members, and they both should apologise in true Fijian spirit.
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