Over 1000 expected to recruit for RFMF next year

Over 1000 expected to recruit for RFMF next year

By fijivillage.com
Saturday 13/07/2013
More than 1,000 people are expected to go through the basic recruit program for the Republic of the Fiji Military Forces by next year.

This has been revealed by Prime Minister and Army Commander Commodore Voreqe Bainimarama while speaking at the passing out parade of 207 recruits yesterday.

He said cabinet has also approved for a basic recruit course to be done next month and two more next year.

He said this also shows the commitment of the RFMF to the peacekeeping duties in the Middle East with another 318 troops, along with 10 staff officers on training as they are expected to leave on the 22nd of this month.

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He also highlighted the 2014 general elections and the new Constitution.

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With the total of 207 young men at the passing out parade, some will join the Regular Force as Specialist soldiers, some will proceed with the Corp of Fiji Engineers as part of the Trade Training School while a few will join the Naval Division.
Also there are some Territorial Forces who will be called in to assist the Regular soldiers in carrying out any RFMF tasking locally and abroad, while some continue with their studies to become Commissioned Officers within the RFMF.

Story by: Watisoni Butabua
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