The maritime community residing along the Suva Harbour and the villages of Suvavou, Navukavu, Muaivuso, Waiqanake, and nearby settlements are assured that a team of divers successfully contained the oil leakage from the sunken MV Suilven vessel yesterday afternoon.
Maritime Safety Authority of Fiji CEO, Joeli Cawaki, highlighted to fijivillage News that a team from the Dive Centre and the Fiji Navy was deployed to seal the leakage.
He says this was achieved through a coordinated operation involving the Fiji Ports Authority, the Ministry of Environment, the Dive Centre, the Fiji Navy, the Fiji Police, the Ministry of Transport, and other private maritime sectors in Suva.
Cawaki says although Fijians are still in the spirit of New Year celebrations, the joint team managed to contain the oil leakage and protect the maritime environment.
He adds that moving into the New Year, the same joint team will continue to work diligently to safeguard the marine environment.
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