Minister for Education, Aseri Radrodro confirms they will need to initiate an urgent investigation that will need to involve independent officials from the Ministry and they possibly may request the assistance of the Office of the DPP given the nature of the allegations that have surfaced against some students of Queen Victoria School.
A circular has emerged of the QVS Principal talking about the Operation of Unwarranted Demand of Food from Orderlies.
It says senior QVS students known as ‘kingpins’ demand food from junior students and if refused are assaulted and bullied.
There are also allegations of smuggling of drugs like marijuana into school property.
When fijivillage News approached Radrodro, he said the investigations will also include teachers' roles and their movements etc.
He says they will not take this matter lightly and he will personally report to the Prime Minister as well on these disturbing occurrences.
He is noting the report by the Principal that these issues have been ongoing since 2007.
Radrodro says he has noted or viewed some pictures of students alleged to have been injured by the bullies.
He stresses that must be addressed, it is unacceptable and is a current problem that must be addressed now and immediately stopped.
Radrodro reveals he has been made aware of these issues occurring on occasion when they are raised to the Ministry by parents and guardians .
The Minister says the extent of the bullying as highlighted by the Principal however will need to be verified by the Ministry and serious questions will need to be asked about the background of these so called bullies and why they remain in the school system unaddressed.
Radrodro says the report is very distressing and depressing and certainly indicates deep rooted problems that is threatening the lives of students especially those at the receiving end of the bullying .
He says the issue of students forced to steal and lie for senior students and to participate by keeping illicit drugs for them, are no longer issues that can be addressed by the Ministry alone and needs the involvement of the law enforcement agencies.
He adds what is occurring at QVS is disturbing for him as an old scholar and former parent and must be strongly condemned in the harshest terms.
Radrodro says no QVS student raised at QVS should be a thug or have a character that depicts that of a thug.
He says it is important that students are made aware of the implications of their actions.
He says if the concerned students have left school - they must be reported to the local law enforcement agencies especially if they have physically harmed any junior student.
Radrodro says the law is the same for everyone and there must be zero tolerance in the school system in Fiji towards violence.
He says if unreported, the issues can escalate and result in possible murder which needs to be curtailed now.
The Minister says if they are returning students, and after investigations they are indeed found to be guilty, they have no place at any boarding facility.
He says they need to remain the responsibility of their parents and guardians.
Radrodro adds QVS is certainly not a place for breeding criminals.
He says they raise gentlemen there and have done so since the years gone by raising many reputable leaders of the Fijian community and society.
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