The Sigatoka Town Council was unable to provide any supporting documentation to substantiate the existence of sundry deposits amounting to $57,817 as stated in their Statement of Financial Position.
This was highlighted in the Public Accounts Committee while the Sigatoka Town Council was making their submission on the 2013 Auditor General’s Report on Municipal Councils.
Sigatoka Town Council-Manager Finance Mohini Nair says they have referred the case to the Ministry of Local Government to advise them on what to do.
When asked by the committee member Aseri Radrodro on what kind of advice they are seeking from the Ministry, Sigatoka Town Council CEO Tulsi Ram said that this was the last resort.
Nair says this figure was from the past 20 years from the payment of car parking space and other deposits.
She says this amount of $57,817 shows that the council has received $57,817 from different areas prior to the year 2000 but the only issue is that it did not have details of that amount such as no receipt numbers, names of customers and dates of cash received.
Nair says the money is with the council but there are no records on who has paid the money.
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