Braving the cold nights at the Suva Market will be a thing of the past for 49-year-old vendor Mariana Siliva.
This is after a new rural women vendors accommodation was opened today at the Suva Market by Minister for Women Dr Jiko Luveni.
Siliva said she has been coming to Suva from Gusuisavu village in Naitasiri to sell her produce for more than 30 years.
Over those 30 years Siliva also says most of the time she comes on Thursdays and Fridays but it was a costly exercise.
Siliva added now she will sleep peacefully at night in the new accommodation block.
The Suva City Council spent around $100,000 for the new building and it will be open from Wednesdays to Saturdays from 9pm to 7am.
The accommodation fee is $2 for only women and children.
Meanwhile, SCC Special Administrator Chandu Umaria says they have now completed a baby care center where women can breast feed their babies and change their clothes.
Story by: Akuila Cama