13-year-old Head Girl Adi Tuikaba Rayawa of Narere Primary School is glad that the upcoming students will not face what she and some of her colleagues went through.
This is after the Australian funded Access to Quality Education Program assisted them with the $135,000 refurbishment of the school.
Adi Tuikaba said for the past seven years she spent at the school, there were some challenging times especially when it rains but now it will be a thing of the past.
Australian Acting High Commissioner Glenn Miles said it’s important for the 420 students of Narere Primary to have renewed classrooms and furniture=s as this will help them pursue their studies.
Miles added he hopes the children will enjoy their new learning environment.
The upgrades include the renovation of eight classrooms, head teachers office and school canteen, provision of an early childhood education room, new desks and chairs while wheelchair ramps were also constructed.
Story by: Akuila Cama