44-year-old Sudesh Mani Naidu has been sentenced to life by High Court Judge Salesi Temo.
Naidu robbed 74-year-old Vidiya Wati of $2,200 worth of assorted jewellery and then murdered her on 13th January, 2013 at Johnson Road in Lautoka.
Justice Temo had earlier overturned the unanimous opinion of the three assessors who had found Naidu not guilty of murder and robbery.
Naidu has to serve 17 years in prison before a pardon may be considered by the President.
Justice Temo says this was a senseless killing and an unnecessary robbery.
He says Naidu was drunk and went to Wati’s house to ask for water.
Meanwhile Justice Salesi Temo also told the court this afternoon why he overturned the unanimous not guilty opinion of the assessors last Friday.
He said state’s case was based on Naidu’s confession to Police.
Justice Temo said that he accepts the two Police officers evidence in court that Naidu was treated well and was not assaulted or given false promises during the caution interview.
Justice Temo said if Naidu was beaten, then why the examining doctor did not find any injuries on his body.
The Judge added that Naidu also did not raise in his first appearance in the Lautoka Magistrates Court that he was assaulted by Police Officers.
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