NFP President denounces malicious propaganda regarding same sex marriage

NFP President denounces malicious propaganda regarding same sex marriage

By Vijay Narayan
Wednesday 07/12/2022
NFP President, Pio Tikoduadua

The National Federation Party says they have seen certain media targeting their candidate, Divina Loloma, highlighting her transgender status and falsely and maliciously claiming the Party’s support for same sex marriage.

NFP President, Pio Tikoduadua says they are making it absolutely clear that the NFP has not, is not and will never support same sex marriage. He says it is unlawful.

Tikoduadua says this is yet another example of despicable character assassination and political immorality from the puppets of the ruling FijiFirst Party that is clutching at straws while drowning in its cesspool of lies and deceit.

The NFP President says the NFP did not select Divina as their candidate because of her gender.

Tikoduadua says they selected her because she is an outstanding Fijian citizen who campaigns for vulnerable people and for economic opportunities for young people.

He says she believes in the human rights of all of Fiji’s people, and that is what the NFP believes in.

Tikoduadua says some media have sensationalized attacks on Divina from extremist candidates from minor parties, and now the fake accounts are trying to claim that this means that NFP advocates same sex marriage.

He says it is useless to remind FijiFirst and some media to stick to the truth and talk about issues like how to reduce the cost of living, fix the state of our hospitals and public health system, ensure consistent supply of water in our taps, ensure the quality of our education system or apply the brakes to our ballooning debt.

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