Mereseini travelled from Nadi to participate in the Cleanup

Mereseini travelled from Nadi to participate in the Cleanup

By Mansi Chand
Saturday 25/02/2023
Mereseini Baleilevuka

Mereseini Baleilevuka who represents Adi Cakobau School Ex Scholars, says she travelled from Nadi to be part of the CWM Hospital Cleanup Day as she felt it was important for her to take part and support other people.

The Cleanup campaign received tremendous support as various organizations and associations had come to volunteer.

The CWM Hospital Cleanup Day had over 600 volunteers.

The initiative was from 8am to 1pm with 27 groups divided into doing the clean up of different areas around the hospital.

A senior student from International Suva School says he learnt about the initiative through their teachers.

He says their school is very service oriented and they do a lot of service project for the community.

Lisa Matanatabu from Communications Fiji Limited says that they wanted to help when they got to know the Cleanup day through fijivillage.

Matanatabu says with the current conditions and as mothers who have been through the maternity ward they wanted to give back to the community.

She adds that they have been pulling weeds, scrubbing the bures and painting.

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