Floyd Mayweather vs Logan Paul
Fight goes the distance without a winner.
Logan Paul looks tired and has his hands down.
Mayweather lands a clean hit on Paul.
Badou Jack vs Dervin Colina
Badou knocks out Colina in the fourth round.
Standing count by the referee.
Badou knocks down Colina.
Solid start to begin the first round.
Jarret Hurd vs Luis Arias
Luis Arias wins on split decision.
Fight over. Hurd and Arias embrace waiting for the announcement of the winner.
Final round Hurd trying to hold on after taking some big hits from Arias.
Round 8 begins and Hurd is more aggressive pushing forward and throwing some big shots.
Both fighters exchange body shots.
Low blow by Hurd drops Arias. The referee calls time.
Hurd lands massive shots on Arias. Arias looks tired as the sixth round ends.
Both fighters keeping the fight inside and landing some big shots. Sixth round begins.
Hurd taking a few overhead right punches from Arias. Both fighters now bleeding.
Blood streaming down Arias face as he rocks Hurd with a powerful left. Bell sounds to end the round.
Arias fighting aggressively but is cut by a Hurd uppercut.
Rain delays the fight as cleaners wipe down the floor.
Fight up next.
Chad Johnson vs Brian Maxwell
Brian Maxwell drops Chad Johnson in the 4th round.
Ochocinco tags Maxwell in the first round.
Full Fight Card
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