As heavy rain continues in the Northern Division, Labasa Town Special Administrator Paul Jaduram is urging people in town to return to their homes now to avoid getting stuck as the main street is flooded.
While speaking to fijivillage News, Jaduram is also urging shopkeepers to elevate their products.
Jaduram says the water level is rising in front of his hotel, The Northwinds, while it has entered Jaduram Plaza.
He is also urging parents and guardians to ensure the safety of their children and not to let them swim in flooded areas as underground pipes can sweep them away.
Vunisasa, Waiqele resident Kamini Kaushal says she has secured a shed in her compound and is urging people to secure their property as well.
She is also urging people to secure their farm animals and pets to ensure their safety and be prepared for the worst.
Kaushal says they have also stored water and spare battery.
She says areas such as Salote Road and Waiqlele Bridge are flooded.
Other areas such as Waileve and Nasekula in Labasa are flooding as well.
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